Saturday, December 28, 2019

The Thanksgiving Accident - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 479 Downloads: 6 Date added: 2019/04/01 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Thanksgiving Essay Did you like this example? I had a good thanksgiving break eating urkey, ham, and pumpkin pie, but the day started gray and glummy. My friends dog died on thanksgiving day so we buried the dog. Feeling sorrow for my friend and comforting him because he had the dog since it was one. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "The Thanksgiving Accident" essay for you Create order Im sorry you lost your dog Alex. I said in a sorrowful voice and patting him on the shoulder. Thanks for helping me bury her. he said his voice cracking from crying. No problem, Hey how about you come have tahnksgiving with me and my family. Were going to my grandmas to eat. Do you want to come? Sure if its fine with your dad that is. We walk to my dads house on a gravel road that needs to be fixed because it has millions of pot holes full of water from rain. I hear a groan of frustration and then something fallin into one of the water filled potholes. I turn around to see Alex stuck in a pothole full of mud. It was to his knee. I laughed so hard I thought I was gonna barf. After he got out of the mud he hit me in the shoulder playfully. Thanks for helping me! he said with a big grin on his face. You are fantastically welcome my frend. I say sarcastically. He chased me all the way to my dads house. It was nothing fancy if you ask me. Its a two story house that needed a new paint job and replace the broken gate and fence. I open the door to my house and it looks like an expensive mansion in there. Lets find my dad. I say dragging Alex along with me while he is awe struck. My dad was sitting in his train room setting up tracks and houses all over this sheet rock board and it looked amazing. It looked as if it were a real town! The cars moved, the traffic lights worked, even the people moved. Not very much though. Hey dad can Alex come to thanksgiving with us? My dad went to look at me and bumped his head on the shelf above him in process. Rubbing his head he asked Why do you want him to come? I was shocked by his question. He would usely just say I dont care just ask his parents. This wasnt really something he would ask. Of course Id like him to come. I say in a confused voice. Well if its alright with his parents he can. So we walked back to his house and his parents said yes so I texted my dad we were going to wait at the end of the gravel road and to pick us up when its time to go. We waited at the road for half an hour before dad pull up in his truck.

Friday, December 20, 2019

A Woman s Descent Into Madness - 1588 Words

Shayna Pospisil Professor Callis English 112 29 April 2015 A women’s descent into madness Hamlet is praised as one of the greatest literary works ever written but unlike the title, many characters play key roles in the development of the story and his progression towards revenge induced madness. One such character is Hamlet’s lover Ophelia. She is a pivotal character in the effectiveness as well as execution of the plot for revenge. One fact that is commonly short sited is the relationship Ophelia has with Hamlet and how that ultimately affects his road towards revenge. Without Ophelia there is no Hamlet. Ophelia’s innocence, lack of knowledge and ignorance, and weakness of the mind all play a key role in not only her own but also Hamlet’s demise. One of the most talked about subjects in the play itself is Ophelia’s innocence of purity. Because Hamlet was going to Denmark a relationship with Ophelia would never work therefore her father felt the intense need to protect her innocence. Any kind of relationshi p would be detrimental to not only Ophelia but her family as well. If Ophelia were to lose her purity before marriage she would no longer be desirable to any other man because she would be â€Å"used goods†. That would reflect not only on herself but on her family. Another interesting point is just how protective her brother Laertes is of her virtue. In Act I, Laertes gives advice to Ophelia on the pitfalls of a pre-marital relationship in a lengthy speech that s gearedShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Yellow Wallpaper1579 Words   |  7 Pagesthe nature of a nineteenth century woman’s descent into madness. After moving into a new place the narrator s mind begins to slowly degenerate because of the conditions of her environment; which completely affect her life and identity. The narrator a middle class woman moves into a colonial hereditary mansion for the summer. She lives with her husband John and two other adults. All three adults affect her mentality in different ways. John is the narrator s husband and is also a physician. Before theRead MoreThe Yellow Wall Paper By Charlotte Perkins Gilman1107 Words   |  5 Pageshealth in the 19th century and is considered to be an important part of early American feminist literature. During the 19th century, women were confined to the idea of the â€Å"ideal† woman and the â€Å"domestic sphere.† According to Barbara Welter, in her 1966 paper entitled â€Å"The Cult of True Womanhood: 1820-1860,† an ideal woman embodied piety, domesticity, pureness and submissive. Women would find true happiness in taking care of their families and living a simple and uncomplicated life. â€Å"The Yellow Wall-paper†Read More A Doll’s House Essay1511 Words   |  7 Pagesseemingly ignorant chi ld-wife to a desperate woman in order to preserve her illusion of the security of home and ironically her own sanity. A Doll’s House ‘s depiction of the entrapment of the average 19th century housewife and the societal pressures placed upon her displays a woman’s gradual descent into madness. Ibsen illustrates this descent through Torvald’s progressive infantilization of Nora and the pressure on Nora to adhere to societal norms. Nora is a woman pressured by 19th century societal standardsRead MoreEsther’S Madness Is Presented As A Consequence Of Her Rebellion1316 Words   |  6 PagesEsther’s madness is presented as a consequence of her rebellion against the archetypes of gender roles, which she is surrounded by in the novel. Chodorow argues that, in our subjective understanding of gender relations, individuals ‘create new meanings in terms of their own unique biographies.’ Chodorow’s argument is evident in how Esther und erstands gender relations through her experience with Buddy Willard. His mother believes that ‘what a man is is an arrow into the future and what a woman is isRead MoreThe Effects Of Postpartum Depression In The Yellow Wallpaper1273 Words   |  6 PagesCharlotte Perkins Gilman’s â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper†, is a short story, published in the late 1800s, about one woman’s descent to madness. Finding herself plagued with postpartum depression after the birth of her son, the narrator’s ailment is overlooked by everyone around her. Her husband, â€Å"...a physician of high standing..† (Gilman) describes the narrator’s illness as â€Å"temporary nervous depression...a slight hysterical tendency.† Her brother and male doctor, also agree with this diagnosis and becauseRead MorePostpartum Depression And The Yellow Wallpaper1536 Words   |  7 PagesYellow Wallpaper† The descent into madness by the main character in â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper† shows the impact of postpartum depression coupled with the oppression of women during the time period in which it was written.   The author, Charlotte Gilman, suffered from postpartum depression herself and is considered the model for the main character and what she goes through, as chronicled in an article she later wrote in 1913 entitled â€Å"Why I Wrote The Yellow Wallpaper.†   The woman in the story is takenRead MoreInternal And External Captivity By Langston Hughes1739 Words   |  7 Pagesthe narrator’s captivity within a room and the mechanics of her mind growing more and more chaotic as her isolation from the outside world (mostly her husband) leads to her insanity. Kate Chopin expresses the many freedoms of an upper-class married woman but shines some light on how she is still restricted through this marriage and by her health in her text â€Å"The Story of an Hour†, eventually reaching a sense of liberation only to abruptly lose it. Throughout all three of these texts, the theme of freedomRead MoreThe Yellow Wallpaper Analysis872 Words   |  4 Pageskeeping it her own little secret. Her writings include her thoughts about john, and descriptions of the room, mainly describing the wallpaper and how she believes there to be a woman trapped inside. She is convinced that she herself, is the woman trapped inside of the wallpaper and she tears the wallpaper down to free the woman and give herself a sense of relief. While reading this story it is highly important for us as readers to think about the context that this story was written in. The historicalRead MoreThe Yellow Wallpaper, By Charlotte Perkins Gilman1523 Words   |  7 Pageshow the conflicts of the narrator of Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper†, and her behavior/actions towards these conflicts indirectly state the themes of gender role, freedom, madnes s, and women’s health throughout the story. â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper† starts off with the narrator, an unnamed woman, who is writing in her journal. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Performed For Proper Management Of Show †Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Performed For Proper Management Of Show? Answer: Introducation Globex Corporation organizes the show for the publicity of its agricultural equipment and lifestyle facilities since the year 2000. During 2000 it was the same company but with different name (BT Sons Farming Equipment). The show is being name as Riverina Agriculture and Lifestyle Show (RALS). Many tasks like ticketing, guard at gate, clean the area after the show, first aid facility and many more are required to be performed for the proper management of the show. To manage all such tasks, few volunteers are being invited every year during three days show in November. The volunteers are being managed by Globex employees like their meals, roster, transportations etc. all these lists are being maintained manually by the Globex Employees. To increase the efficiency and error free system, Globex has ordered Virtucon to develop an automatic system for maintaining the roster. Virtucon being the old consultants of Globex and shall not charge for its project management activities from Globe x Corporation. Team Charter Skills Knowledge: all the members need to have good hold on their respective technical field along with the soft skills which are mandatory like good communication skills, conflict management skills, group work skills and motivational skills(Quick Base, 2010). Roles Responsibilities: Project Manager: the overall coordination among the stakeholders, especially the external stakeholder management needs to be taken care. Taking care of wellbeing of the team, always motivate the team members and look for resolving any conflict quickly(Carson, 2015). Team Members: the technical and system development part shall be taken care and along with this team members are expected to be confident, never take decision alone and always decide after a meeting, never criticize any fault, always maintain the basic discipline of the organization(Basu, 2017). Team Communication: Meeting Times Location: we shall meet at every alternate day at mutually agreed time may be at the beginning of the day or at noon else evening before leaving office at Virtucon campus. How to communicate: when within the office premises, we shall avoid e-mails and rather try to meet personally to make the interpersonal relationships better and whenever outside, we shall use the e-mail, sms or phone for communicating to each other. Where to store data: we need to store all our important documents at some central location so that all can access along with maintaining its security too. For this reason the documents need to be kept at the documentation folder with very restricted administrative rights. Team Rules expectations: Previous Team Experience: the working experience with the team is very positive till the goals and objective of the project are well defined(Miller, 2017). If the objectives are defined and shared with the team then whole team shall always put their effort towards the common goal and so the bright result can come. Whereas on the other hand if the objectives and goals are not clear then it has a potential to develop conflict, communication gap, reduce team work and may also incur loss. Goal of the team: the ultimate goal is to develop an automatic roster system which shall satisfy every stakeholders expectation. Team values: all members need to be passionate about the work they have been assigned, loves to work in a team, never generate conflict(Santilli, 2017), always motivate the team members, never criticize others work and always value the organization we are working and maintain faith in management. Team Ethics: all the members need to maintain integrity, the responsibility sense towards organization and employees, put the effort to generate the quality work and always share correct information, never break discipline of the office and maintain good team work spirit(Jenkins, 2017). Rules and Expectations: all the communications need to be flown through project manager, all the members need to attend meetings every alternate day, all planned leaves must be taken prior approval, all must maintain good behavior with others (WordPress, 2010). All the organizational policies are required to be maintained properly. Organiser: the team member who shall coordinate among the stakeholders and document the minutes of the meeting is the organizer. The organiser for the case shall be the Project Manager, being the central coordinator project manager can justify the position well. Scribe: the other team members shall document the ideas to look forward for the changes which can help in going ahead by rotational basis to equally own the workload and the balance to visit the volunteers to collect the requirements of the project. By adopting the above skill, we shall develop learning records as per the author(Marchewka, 2005). Learning Records of Team members Known Facts Information assumed Few unknowns Globex corporation awarded the consultancy contract to Virtucon for developing the automatic roster system RALS to organize the show this year too Final scope of work which is required to be considered while developing the system The fund generated by this show shall be given to ICV charitable trust for the wellbeing of Indigenous people Few RALS coordinators shall be within our team to assist the development of the system Schedule of the project is not clear (the overall time duration). In spite of not getting any profit from the project management activities to be done for the project, Virtucon management shall provide all administrative supports toward the team Cost heads and cash reserves are not known Resource availability during the project is not known Required quality standards is not known Action plan for the Unknowns Now once the unknowns of the project is documented, so the way forward to resolve it is required to be identified so that we can finalize the actions beforehand. Few unknowns What is to be done for making the unknowns to known Action required by whom Action needed to be taken and by when Final scope of work which is required to be considered while developing the system Requirement gathering meeting is required to be organized with all stakeholders either at a common place or at different locations with separate stakeholders Main coordination is required to be done by the Project Manager but all the stakeholders are required to be involved in the process Minutes of the meeting need to be developed and get signed by all stakeholders on the same day. The meeting is very important so need to be organized at the Initiation stage itself. Schedule of the project is not clear (the overall time duration). After the requirement is finalized, the activity listing and their dependencies are required to be finalized Main coordination is required to be done by the Project Manager but all the stakeholders are required to provide their inputs especially the RALS employees Minutes of the meeting need to be developed and get signed by all stakeholders on the same day an develop the time and cost schedule. The task is very important so need to be organized at planning stage. Cost heads and cash reserves are not known Cash flow charts are required to be developed at the very beginning to know that how far we can stretch with the scope of work Project manager need to coordinate among Virtucon and Globex management to finalize the same Similar to above, the minutes is required to be developed and circulated among the applicable stakeholders in planning stage Resource availability during the project is not known Resource requirement need to be finalized after the scope time finalization Project manager need to coordinate among Virtucon and Globex management to finalize the same Similar to above, the minutes is required to be developed and circulated to HR department for further action during planning and execution stage Required quality standards is not known Quality requirements shall also be finalized along with the scope. But the checkpoints need to be finalized before the start of execution Main coordination is required to be done by the Project Manager but all the stakeholders are required to provide their inputs especially the RALS employees Again the minutes is required to be circulated to all stakeholders in planning stage itself Communication Plan The document which is prepared by involving each and every team members to write down the stakeholders expectations and the plan to meet such expectations is the communication plan document(WordPress, 2009). The communication plan for the case is below: Name of Stakeholder What information need to share At what frequency At which location Why need to share the information Method of sharing the information Project manager All the reports related to progress and constraints Daily, weekly monthly from different internal and external stakeholders Mails or at meeting room at various locations Being the focal point and central coordinator, the project manager need to be updated to take proper decisions on the project e-mail, fax, presentation Team Members All reports from stakeholders Daily, weekly monthly Meeting room To update PM e-mail, report Sponsor All reports related to time, cost, resource, quality change order status Monthly Conference room To take appropriate decision and arrange funds Presentation Virtucon management All reports related to time, cost, resource, quality change order status Monthly Conference room To take appropriate decision and arrange funds Presentation Volunteers Status report Weekly Meeting room To update the status e-mail, report Globex Employees All reports related to time, quality change order status Daily Weekly E-mail Meeting room To update the status e-mail, report Customers like farmers New product information Quarterly Newspaper To maintain enthusiasm Advertisement Customers like small businessmen New product information Quarterly Newspaper To maintain enthusiasm Advertisement Customers for lifestyle equipment New product information Quarterly Newspaper To maintain enthusiasm Advertisement Local authorities All status reports of time Monthly E-mail meeting To inform and keep satisfied for obtaining permissions e-mail, reports Indigenous people All status reports of human resource requirement Monthly Meeting Publication To provide opportunity Advertisements, newspaper Advertisers Report to publish Quarterly Meeting To publish the report Report Reflection My experience while developing this report has provided me an exposure to the various leadership skills. I got the opportunity to use techniques of a leader which is very much required for the success of any project. My experience started with the development of team charter, in which we (our team) had to meet four times to finalize the roles and responsibilities, skill requirement, team values, ethical values, communication procedure and team spirit level as these are the main skills and techniques which are being used by the leader. This assignment has provided the opportunity to develop all such skills which are required for leading a project successfully in the real professional world. Because in professional world, the above learned skills like developing the best communication skill, being confident, always motivating the team, passionate to work in a team, delegates the work load equally(Marsh, 2013) and so on are the few important skills required to be present in a leader to lead the project successfully. Based on my experience which I gathered during the preparation of this report Teamwork and Reflection, I feel that an ICT project manager involved in IT profession must have all the skills and techniques which are being used by the leaders to lead a project successfully. The minimum skills like confident of own decision, always listen to other team members, provide motivation to all, appreciate the good work of the team, never criticize the bad work in fact provide training to the member, delegates the work with equal workload, maintain discipline in office by setting an example of self, always look for a resolution, never attract any conflict(Krahn Hartment, 2006) and maintain harmony in the team to deliver the objective of the project and satisfy the expectations of all stakeholders. References Basu, R. (2017). Project Success Criteria and Success Factors. Retrieved September 3, 2017, from Informa UK Limited: Carson, R. (2015). TOP 10 QUALITIES OF A PROJECT MANAGER. Retrieved Septmber 6, 2017, from 2020 Business Insight: Jenkins, A. (2017). 5 Factors That Demonstrate a Strong Work Ethic. Retrieved September 14, 2017, from Hearst Newspapers: Krahn, J., Hartment, F. (2006). Effective project leadership: a combination of project manager skills and competencies in context. Skill Development. Newtown Square: Project Management Institute. Marchewka, J. (2005). Information technology project management: Providing measurable. New Jersey: John Wiley Sons. Marsh, F. (2013, July 11). 10 Great Leadership Skills of Project Management. Retrieved September 6, 2017, from About Leaders: Miller, B. (2017). The Purpose of Project Management and Setting Objectives. Retrieved August 27, 2017, from Quick Base. (2010, March 1). 10 Signs Your Team is Effective. Retrieved September 10, 2017, from Santilli, M. (2017). 8 core values every team should have. Retrieved September 3, 2017, from TechBeacon: WordPress. (2009, March 8). Types of Communication. Retrieved September 6, 2017, from WordPress. (2010, March 9). 15 Ground Rules for Project Team Management. Retrieved September 10, 2017, from

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Outline and Thesis free essay sample

Subdetails- The effects on the victims and society B. Supporting details- What are the repercussions of hate crimes 1. Subdetails- How are the perpetrators dealt with in society? 2. Subdetails- How is society affected when hate crimes are not acknowledged III. Second main point- Whom is these acts perpetrated against A. Supporting details- Race and Gender 1. Subdetails- Sexual orientation and religion 2. Subdetails- disabilities B. Supporting details- Lack of knowledge fueling hate crimes 1. Subdetails- Education of different cultures and lifestyles 2. Subdetails- Tolerance in all cases no matter your beliefs IV. Third main point- laws that are in place to deter hate crimes A. Supporting details- Hate crimes bills and laws 1. Subdetails- civil rights and the NAACP 2. Subdetails- how laws against hate crimes has evolved over the years B. Supporting details- victim’s rights and treatment after attacks 1. Subdetails- evaluation and treatment for perpetrators Conclusion- I will conclude my paper by summing up main points, and expressing why these crimes will not stop until society as a whole changes the way it thinks. We will write a custom essay sample on Outline and Thesis or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I chose to sequence my paragraphs in this order, because I feel that it is important to explain to my audience the definition of a hate crime vs. a violent crime. After they have read what it is I felt it would be beneficial to follow with what is used, and how the crimes are committed. The effects of the crimes on not only the victims but society as well needed to fall after understanding why the crimes are committed. After understanding why the crimes are committed I found it imperative to go into whom the crimes are committed. The lack of knowledge and fear of the unknown will follow suit, it is important to let the audience know why people have negative feeling towards others, and it could possibly be a cultural thing and not just an individual decision. I chose to place the laws and the enactment of these laws last. I feel after reading the other paragraphs the audience needs to know what has and can be done about the crimes